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"We like to call this style of our music 'Cybermetal.' 'Zero' has six rhythm guitars, with two line-in 12-string acoustics, plus those wacky Iha leads. Tracked live with overdubs added later, this is a true mover as well as the first song that was recorded for Mellon Collie, James has always said this reminds him of Judas Priest." -BC (Guitar World 1/97)



my reflection, dirty mirror
there's no connection to myself
i'm your lover, i'm your zero
i'm the face in your dreams of glass
so save your prayers
for when we're really gonna need 'em
throw out your cares and fly
wanna go for a ride?

she's the one for me
she's all i really need
cause she's the one for me
emptiness is loneliness, and loneliness is cleanliness
and cleanliness is godliness, and god is empty just like me
intoxicated with the madness, i'm in love with my sadness
bullshit fakers, enchanted kingdoms
the fashion victims chew their charcoal teeth
i never let on, that i was on a sinking ship
i never let on that i was down
you blame yourself, for what you can't ignore
you blame yourself for wanting more
she's the one for me
she's all i really need
she's the one for me
she's my one and only

Alt. Titles/Lyrics

Zero   (typed working lyrics)


Mar 1995 - Pumpkinland
Mar - Aug 1995 - Chicago Recording Company
31 May 1995 - Chicago Recording Company (Sequence IV)
Aug 1995 - Village Recorder
Nov 1994 - Pumpkinland


Mellon Collie and the Infinite Sadness (x3)   (buy [])
Zero   (buy [])
The Aeroplane Flies High (x3)   (buy [])
Greatest Hits (Rotten Apples)   (buy [])
Rarities and B-Sides   (buy [])
Mellon Collie and the Infinite Sadness (promo)
Live in Chicago (promo)
La Saga Racontee Par Max, De Fun Radio (promo)
Zero (promo)
(Promotional Music Video Tapes) (promo)
The Smashing Pumpkins 1991-1998 (promo)
Greatest Hits Video Collection: 1991-2000 (x2)   (buy [])
The Videos (promo)
Oceania 3D in NYC   (buy [])
Video Loop
London By Day - Live at the BBC - Dec 5th, 2014
A Gothic Industrial Tribute to the Smashing Pumpkins   (buy [])
Midnight In The Patch : Tribute to the Smashing Pumpkins   (buy [])
A Very Special Tribute to Smashing Pumpkins   (buy [])
Shot Full of Diamonds: A Tribute to The Smashing Pumpkins
String Quartet Tribute to Smashing Pumpkins   (buy [])
Albanopumpkins - Mellon Collie and the Infinite Power

666 (x5)
Atomic Energy
Beautiful As The Sun
The Berlin Bullet
Billy The Kid
Butterfly Wings
Children of Gotham
Despite All Our Rage, We're Just Like Rats In A Cage
Do The Riot Thing
Double Door
Electronic Overload
Enough Power To Play (x2)
Exit Mellon Collie
Exit Under Burning Skies
The GM Place
Happy Halloween
In The Belly Of The Beast
Kick Start 96
Live At Reading '95
Live in Chicago 95
MCIS Demos II (x2)
Mellon Collie at the Max
Mellow, Jolly And The Infinite Madness
New Songs - Smashing Pumpkins Live At The Riviera
The Second To Last Gig Ever!
Secret Destroyers
Secrets Of Your Dreams
Sequence IV
Shoot Out The Lights
SlapHead's Revenge (x2)
Sorrow and Pity (x2)
Squashed Zucchini
Starlight (x2)
Thank You For Participating (x2)
Tune in, Turn On, Rawk Out
Turtles on Drugs
Twilight - (Moonraker) (x2)
Twilight (x2)
Vast Oceans
Vredenburg 2000
Wanna Go For A Ride
(We Salute You) Naked Man
The World Is A Vampire - (Oxygen)
Wrapped Up In The Pleasures Of The World
Zero Gravity

total: 95 (27 on official releases, 68 boots)

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BMI Number

Writing Credits
Billy Corgan

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