6.8 What SP landmarks should I visit while in Chicago ?
If you're going to Chicago, invariably you'll want to visit some significant
Smashing Pumpkins landmarks. The following is a list of places that you may
consider visiting. This list is not a complete list of everywhere that SP has
ever played in Chicago, but rather places where there is a significant amount
of history that was made...
- Metro (http://www.metrochicago.com)
- Double Door (http://www.doubledoor.com/)
- Riviera Theatre(http://jamusa.com/riviera-theatre/)
- Aragon Ballroom (http://www.aragon.com/)
Other Places:
- Tower Records on North Clark (now closed)
- Chicago Recording Company (232 E. Ohio)
- The "Oceania" tower
- and, of course, Billy Corgan's teahouse, Madame Zuzu's
If you have any other suggestions to add here, please give me an email at