3.1 Origin of name
Most answers to this question are only semi-serious, as they've heard it way
too often. The March '93 fan club newsletter gave the following story:
"Gene Simmons came to us in a dream and said: 'Joe Strummer is a pumpkin,
drunken and smashed.'"
On Vieuphoria, they simply said "It's a joke." However, the most serious
answer comes from an interview with D'Arcy by the Washington Post(11/19/93):
"The name of the band is a stupid name, a dumb bad joke and a bad idea, OK?"
she says. "Billy named the band before there even was a band. He was like, 'I'm
gonna have a band and it's gonna be called this.' 'Smashing' is not a verb,
it's an adjective. It's not like we like to smash pumpkins or anything. And we
are not amused by pumpkin jokes anymore."
So, there you have it. "Smashing" is an adjective, not a verb (think British
here if you're still having trouble). :-)