Mike in the rehearsal studio on a Roland TD-20KX kid, photo by @kristinburns
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Electronic drum kit by Roland, seen in a TSP rehearsal photo tweeted by Kristin Burns on 2011/08/30. The TD-20X control unit (on Mike's left, near the hi-hat) features 920 drum & percussion instruments, 262 backing instruments, 100 kits, 99 internal patches, and several "ambience" settings, including room size, shape & type, wall type, and mic placement.
[product page | wiki]
Kit Configuration
TD-20X Percussion Sound Module x 1
PD-125X V-Pad x 2
PD-125XS V-Pad (Snare) x 1
PD-105X V-Pad x 2
VH-12-SV V-Hi-Hat x 1
CY-14C-SV V-Cymbal Crash x 2
CY-15R-SV V-Cymbal Ride x 1
KD-140 V-Kick x 1