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Jeff Schroeder - Tone Freak Effects Naked OD

Tone Freak Naked OD (orange) on a shelf in Jeff's 2009 rack gear
Tone Freak Naked OD (orange) on a shelf in Jeff's 2009 rack gear

A light overdrive pedal. Seen in Jeff's 2009 tour gear, on a rack shelf with some other equipment.
[product page]

Also used in Jeff's signal chain, from the 2011 Kaleidyscope tour [article]:

Guitar -> Fulltone Clyde Wah -> Loop 1: Mad Professor Forest Green Compressor (my favorite compressor), Tone Freak Naked OD, Tone Freak Abunai II OD, Instruments for a New Electric Music Compact Faye Sing Phaser, Analog Man Chorus, Boss PS-5 Super Shifter ->

Loop 2: Boss RE-20 Space Echo, Eventide Time Factor Delay, Eventide Space ->

Loop 3: Line 6 M13 -> Amp

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