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<-Last : 2017-11-12 First-> : 2017-10-14

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Search results  (Ogilala tour):


Date Venue Location Band Set Rec Extras
2017-10-14 Murmrr Theatre Brooklyn, NY, US BC Set - -
2017-10-15 Murmrr Theatre Brooklyn, NY, US BC - - -
2017-10-18 Grand Opera House Wilmington, DE, US BC - - -
2017-10-20 Queen Elizabeth Theatre Toronto, CA BC - - -
2017-10-24 Athenaeum Theatre Chicago, IL, US BC - - -
2017-10-25 Athenaeum Theatre Chicago, IL, US BC - - -
2017-10-27 CMA Theater Nashville, TN, US BC - - -
2017-10-29 Boulder Theater Boulder, CO, US BC - - -
2017-11-01 Herbst Theatre San Francisco, CA, US BC - - -
2017-11-02 Herbst Theatre San Francisco, CA, US BC - - -
2017-11-08 CBS Television City Los Angeles, CA, US BC Set - -
2017-11-09 Masonic Lodge at Hollywood Forever Cemetery Los Angeles, CA, US BC - - -
2017-11-10 Masonic Lodge at Hollywood Forever Cemetery Los Angeles, CA, US BC - - -
2017-11-11 Masonic Lodge at Hollywood Forever Cemetery Los Angeles, CA, US BC - - -
2017-11-12 Masonic Lodge at Hollywood Forever Cemetery Los Angeles, CA, US BC - - -

15 known shows

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