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Flashlight Tornado [Papa M]




Flashlight and tornadoes
Uppity cadence
It's a bold move, little girl
That you're impressing
Perhaps a stylus
Or a curtain
Would elude
From the truth
Of our depth
A little longer
What a fortunate
Collapse of dignity
Has ensued
We bask
In the freedom
Of our youth
A woman searches
For a man of clay
And golden light
That my name
Displays on a marquee
Of silent films
A man looks for
A woman of light blue clay
It's your summertime
Skippity do skippity dee
Doo rye yea
I saw us in there we were
In a gospel church
We broke down
At the dance the white chick
In black pants the deacon
Blew the cap
Right off my head
A congregation can lift
The boxes of this world
The flowers come
Alive we do more
Than just survive
It's your summertime
Skippity do skippity dee
Do rye yea
A woman searches
For a man of clay
And golden light
That my name
Displays on a marquee
Of silent films
A man looks for
A woman of light blue clay
It's your summertime
Skippity do skippity dee
Doo rye yea



Papa M (David Pajo) song from his 2003 album "One."

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